Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Group Tahi: Testing our Conjectures

Today we tested if our Conjectures (guesses) were correct or not?:

Tayla:  "I think the buttons will win if they are only in a straight line with two spaces in between.  If they are diagonal it does not work."

Will:  "Put the buttons in a straight line and then the paper clips can cover all squares.  If there are two blocks between the buttons or no blocks between the buttons it can also win. If the buttons are diagonal the paper clips can't win."

Olivia: "I think my conjecture was right because the paper clips got nine right when the buttons are apart in opposite corners." Today I also know if they are right beside each other it can also work as long as it is not diagonal."

Amelia:  If the buttons are diagonally apart and far away or close to each other the buttons win."

Caprice " My conjecture was putting the buttons diagonally the buttons will always win, it doesn't matter if they are far or close together."  

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