Wednesday, 10 April 2019



  1. In maths we are learning about karate maths (it helps us with all the different maths names) measuring (our foot in cms's, and other things in metres) takeaways (with our game) and times (groups of). it is so much fun because we use materials and we learn from my friends. by Amelia

  2. I learnt groups of and my two times table. They are just groups of 2. I know that 2x is just me doubles. The best part of this class is we learn how to make Maths easier.

  3. Making 3 digit numbers with the base 10 blocks. This taught me Place value.I learn lots about maths! My mum copied my brothers sheet of Maths for me to do and I only got one wrong. I feel confident about me Maths.

  4. I use place value and breaking numbers into 10s and ones. when I get confused I use my place value and when the questions are too hard. I learnt place value by splitting numbers up, the blocks, counting in 10s, using the number houses and play money.


On our walk today