Thursday, 23 May 2019

Group Rua- reading word problems and answering them in a maths way


  1. Equal sharing is giving everybody the same amount. It is also dividing.
    12 divide 4 is 3.

  2. We are equal sharing and equal sharing is giving everyone the same amount. We call it division.

  3. I learnt division it is equal sharing. I had 12 balls and shared them with 6 people, so they had two balls each.

    12 divided by 6 = 2

  4. I learnt that division is hard then you practice a lot then it gets easy. My problem was about 12 lollies and I had to share them with four people they each get 3.

    12 divided by 4 = 3

  5. I learnt that division is equal sharing.

    12 divided by 3= 4


On our walk today