Monday, 18 November 2019

Sammy sharing her learning

Online Game we can play with Family and Friends

Selina’s learning

Eliza’s learning

Olivia’s learning

Maia’s learning

Eva’s learning

Liam’s learning

Zach’s learning

Ethan’s learning

Lachy sharing his learning

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Special Interest: Hailstone Sequence

This problem introduces students to one of the world’s unsolved problems in mathematics, which is, in itself very cool.

It involves a sequence of numbers called a Hailstone sequence. It is called this because the numbers go up and down again.

For example: 20 – 10 – 5 – 16 – 8 – 4 – 2 – 1

Hailstone Sequences follow these rules:

If a number is even, divide it by 2 If a number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1

Can you solve it??

Special Interest: A way to convert our remainders into fractions (this is NOT expected it is for INTEREST only)

Special Interest- turning our online game into an interactive game.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019


How long is a million seconds?
- 3 days - Sam
- 1 week - Jayden
- 2 weeks - Cory
- 11. 5 days - Marco
- 2 days - Timothy
- 1 month Oscar
- 1.5 months - Ryan
- 55 days - Daniel
-  5 Days - Stefanie

How long is a billion seconds?
-  4 days and 3 hours - Sam
- 3 weeks - Jayden
-  1 month- Cory
-  15 weeks - Marco
- 5 days - Timothy
- 5 months -  Oscar
- 2 months - Ryan
- 65 days - Daniel
-  2 weeks - Stefanie

How long is a trillion seconds?
-   1 week and 11 hours - Sam
-  1 month - Jayden
-   1 and 1 / 4 months- Cory
-  3 years - Marco
-  6. 5 days - Timothy
- 9 months -  Oscar
- 3 months - Ryan
- 75 days - Daniel
-  1 month - Stefanie

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Finding the longest pathway across a rectangle

Our learning:
Ryan: maths is about working hard and about understanding. 
Max: don't give up if it's hard, our brain grows when we struggle
Cory: we learnt how to cross a rectangle 
Jayden: you must always try to achieve something, find many ways to solve a problem.
Oscar: struggling makes my brain bigger. Practice makes you better.
Daniel: you need follow the rules and understand them before. 
Marco: fractions can part of division
Timothy: keep trying and don't stop
Anastasia: I need thinking time to find different strategies 
Stephanie:  I learnt sometimes mathematicians can be slow at solving problems

Number talk: 13 divided by 5

Here we worked out the links between multiplication and division.
We could split 130 into 100 and 30 to help us- thanks for showing us Timothy. 

Marco saw the links with his fraction knowledge. 

On our walk today