Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Room 22 measuring in Room 23:

Today Room 22 learnt about different ways to measure their height,weight and the circumference of their thumbs and wrists.  They even timed themselves balancing on their left foot with their eyes closed.  Clever Room 22!!

Roll away from 20: group Tahi

Here we are subtracting from 20.  We have two large dice - we add the total and then subtract from 20.  Our aim is to get to zero as quick as we can. 

Monday, 25 March 2019

Finding the Difference:

This is something we all need to work on.  It can be a little tricky and it is another word for subtraction.  We are working out the difference between two measurements.  We are taking away one measurement from the other?  Please practice this at home.

If the tallest person in the world was 272cm,
How tall are you?  What is the difference in height?

For example 272cm - 120 cm = 152 cm
The difference is over double the size.  Wow!  Are you under or over half the size of the tallest man in the world??

Monday, 18 March 2019

Finding the difference between two numbers

Brandon is using and sharing his learning about how to find the difference between his foot size and the largest man in the worlds foot size.

Using a variety of materials to find the difference between two numbers

Measuring a metre- how tall is 100cm and 1000mm?

Using our metre ruler: 

Chloe is using the 100s board to help her find the difference

Using the blocks to measure the longest foot in the world

We can see one block is the same as 1 cm.  
Abigail's foot is 23cm and the longest foot is 41cm.  What is the difference? 

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Using the base 10 blocks to understand place value.

Group Rua: How can we use place value, to add numbers together. 

Using the measurement of our height

Here we are using the new cube to add and subtract cm and m from our height.  

Lots of great learning in measurement, place value and addition and subtraction. 

Engagement with problem solving in Kauri Courtyard

Year 5's discussing, using materials and totally engaged in a problem solving task. Well done Rm 6

Multi level grouping at its best!

On our walk today